The statistics of fires and accidents at the enterprises of oil and gas complex of Russia is presented. The choice of the method for assessing the state of industrial and fire safety is substantiated. It allows to transform the input information presented in the form of a characteristic description of the assessed event into an output dana that has a weighted numerical value.
It is shown that the stable functioning of industrial enterprises depends on the safety margin of industrial and fire safety systems. Their maintenance at a certain level requires the allocation of resources (material, human, temporary, etc.), which are limited and insufficient to meet all the requests from the service managers. It is required to scientifically substantiate the targeted provision of activities that have a high index of risk.
The purpose of the article is to obtain the result of the assessment of these measures in the form of a weighted risk indicator. This will allow to normalize each event included in the checklists (control sheets) of the enterprise for both industrial and fire safety. A pairwise comparison of the factors and alternatives using the selected method of hierarchy analysis makes it possible to identify the indicators of local and global priorities for each element under study. The weighting coefficients obtained in the form of local priorities relate to the event being tested. Global priorities are directly related to the services and structural units that ensure the sustainable functioning of the industrial and fire safety systems.
Use of the methodology for assessing the state of industrial and fire safety at the objects of oil and gas complex of Russia will allow to transfer the management system of these enterprises to a new qualitative level.
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