On the Quality of Documentation Preparation for Placing the Service Order in the Field of Industrial Safety


Examples of documents related to placing orders for various services in the field of industrial safety and facility design submitted by the employees of the enterprises operating hazardous production facilities are considered. The importance is noted concerning the involvement of native specialists of various technical areas at the stage of reviewing the documentation in case of purchasing the basic design, turnkey installations and individual types of equipment from the foreign companies. It is shown what technical and financial problems arise due to unprofessionally prepared tender documentation, bids and basic data. In this situation, in order to fulfill the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on the implementation of national projects for the development of modern industrial enterprises of various profiles, it is required to train highly qualified specialists (engineers). State-owned companies should involve the universities with high reputation or the most specialized organizations with broad experience in various technical areas, for a system and systematic increase in the technical level of specialists.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-8-43-49
Year: 2019
Issue num: August
Keywords : industrial safety industrial safety expertise design documentation technical assignment tender training of specialists