Scientific and Methodological Base for Technical Diagnostics of Potentially Hazardous Production Facilities


Modern requirements to industrial safety presuppose the use of scientifically based methods and means of technical diagnostics for obtaining direct quantitative information sufficient for the subsequent normative calculation determination of a set of the parameters of strength, resource, reliability, survivability and risks. It is shown that such information includes data on the accumulated and developing technological and operational defects in the load-bearing elements, on the kinetics of stress-strain states in the most loaded hazardous zones of a structure, on the thermal, chemical, biological and radiation dangerous effects, on the changes in characteristics over time of the basic mechanical properties of material strength and ductility. Such an approach to diagnostics should be linked both with the existing system of a set of equations with the diagnosed parameters included in them for the analysis of permissible, hazardous and limiting states, and with the implementation of the results of new fundamental studies of complex deformation, damage and destruction processes that determine the probability of accidents and catastrophes at the production facilities, as well as relevant applied scientific and methodological, hardware and software developments. Relevance and importance of promising research and development in this direction are associated both with the facilities of I, II classes of hazard, and the objects that are critically and strategically important for national safety.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-6-7-14
Year: 2021
Issue num: June
Keywords : safety reliability risk service life technical diagnostics life duration destruction damage life cycle hazardous production facilities equations of state
  • Makhutov N.A.
    RAS Corresponding Member, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Chief Research Associate,, IMASH RAN, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Gadenin M.M.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Lead Researcher, IMASH RAN, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Ivanov V.I.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Chief Research Associate ZAO «NIIIN MNPO «Spektr», Moscow, Russia