Eighteen years operation experience of gas air heaters RG2000 for Ural mines is considered. Earlier published scientific research, and the accumulated actual data on the safe operation of gas air heating points for mine ventilation are analyzed. Special safety principles are formulated that are used when placing gas equipment near the air supply shafts of the mine.
The data obtained over the long years of operation of an innovative technical air heating system were studied related to most important parameters including compliance with the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the mine ventilation air. The results are presented concerning the monitoring of the supply air, which confirm its stable and safe quality.
It is noted that the Canadian mining occupational safety and health regulations allow to use direct gas-fired air heaters. The spread of this technology in our country is possible only if the strict Russian sanitary and hygienic requirements for air pollution at the production sites are met. For example, Russian regulations in the field of maximum permissible concentration of the nitrogen oxides are 3–10 times lower than the foreign ones. In this regard, the supply air heaters with direct gas heating cannot be used in Russia for ventilation of the underground workings.
The results of a successful solution to the problem of heating mine air using an innovative technology of low-temperature flare impact combustion of a homogeneous methane-air mixture are presented in the article. This approach allows 10-40 times to reduce the ingress of harmful substances into the air supplied to the mine, which fully meets the current hygienic requirements and regulations at the mining enterprises of Russia.
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