Modes of Safe Work of the Skip Hoisting Plants Equipped with Parameters Registrars

R.N. Gazizullin, Head of Department West Ural Department of Rostechnadzor, Perm, Russia G.D. Trifanov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Department Head V.Yu. Zverev, Candidate, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia


During operation of skip hoisting plants, the operating parameters, which were determined at the design stage, undergo changes.
After a long period of te operation the certain tachogram of the vessel motion is maintained, which ensures the productive and extended operation of the equipment that more satisfies the requirements of the enterprise. The general trend of changing the parameters of hoisting can be taken into account at the design stage, which will help to reach the optimal performance of the complex from the beginning of its operation without negative effect on the equipment safety.
The analysis of the operating modes of hoisting plants shows that the trend of changes in tachograms of the most complexes is as follows: the period of uniform movement of skips in the unloading curves is eliminated or «smoothed out»; acceleration values are increased when the hoisting machine slows down.
The analysis showed that not only the tachograms, but also the duration of pauses between the ups does not always coincide with the design values. In view of unaccounted factors, the loading and unloading operations take longer time than foreseen, which affects the actual performance of the complex.
Thus, the modern hoisting plants are successfully operated with linkage parameters that ensure high productivity. Experience in the skip hoisting plants confirms the reliability of equipment operation in such modes. So, the reached parameters can be provided at the design stage, which will increase the intensity of work without negative effect on safety.
For the objective of reliable determination of the productivity of hoisting plants, it is required to specify the pause time between load lifts for particular hoisting equipment.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-1-26-29
Year: 2018
Issue num: January
Keywords : skip hoisting plant tachogram operating mode productivity pause period of operation hoisting cycle