One of the important stages in the development of fire safety systems and determining the area of efficient fire extinguishing of robotic fire extinguishing installations using remotely controlled fire monitors is a calculation of the trajectory of the fire extinguishing agent jet. In the absence of disturbing influences, the jet trajectory is well described by mathematical models built based on the empirical data. However, in the presence of wind action in open space and automatic control mode, significant disturbing factors are introduced into the calculation of the jet trajectory, which make it difficult to construct the required trajectory of the fire extinguishing agent. To solve this problem, the algorithms were developed to simulate the movement of a jet under disturbing influences using the methods of computational fluid dynamics and verification based on the results of field tests.
Algorithms of the computational fluid dynamics based on numerical methods for solving the equations of gas-hydrodynamics of flows (equations of conservation of energy, momentum, continuity, state, etc.) allow to model the corresponding processes with high accuracy. Based on the simulation results, the jet trajectory was obtained, and its comparison with the results of field experiments indicates that the use of computational fluid dynamics methods in particular the k–ε model (mass density and turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate) allows to describe the jet trajectory from the fire monitor with a sufficiently high accuracy under disturbing influences.
The obtained calculation methods can be used in the development of algorithms for automatic control of fire robots operating under wind load conditions, including for solving the problem of determining its identification by the deviation of the jet from the calculated trajectory.
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