An analysis was carried out concerning the previously developed structural and functional model of the procedure for developing an Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations for Organizations built on the basis of the process approach. The relevance is shown related to further elaboration of this model to determine the mechanism of interaction of all its elements. The purpose of the article is to model the processes of the procedure for developing an Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations based on the integrated application of system analysis methods. When modeling the structural, functional approaches, decomposition, and composition methods, as well as the IDEF0 methodology were used. At the same time, the entire process of developing the Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations is presented in the form of a tree of the main processes and their decomposition to the minimum required sub-processes. For each of the identified processes and sub-processes the models were compiled in the form of diagrams according to the IDEF0 methodology. The constructed diagrams allow to establish and analyze the informational and functional relationship between various processes and subprocesses of the procedure under study. The identified mechanism of interaction between elements of processes and sub-processes in the future can become the basis for modeling the concept of a territorial information system for the development of an Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations. Such an information system will allow developers of plans to automatically receive the required information considering the specifics of the organization of activities for each territorial subsystem of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations. At the same time, the information system will ensure optimal interaction between the authorities of municipalities and the developers of the Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations for their coordination. The constructed models can also be used in the future in practice in the implementation of structural and functional modeling of the procedure for developing an Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations for Individual Organizations.
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