The article analyzes the procedure for developing an Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies for organizations. The development of the Action Plan should be carried out on the basis of the current legal requirements in Russia. The analysis of the requirements for the development of the plan from the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is performed. The methodology of the Ministry of Emergency Situations does not strictly regulate the number and names of sections of the Action Plan. The methodology specifies general requirements for the content of the sections of the Action Plan. Based on the results of the analysis, the article notes a number of possible difficulties that arise during the development and approval of Action Plans for organizations by the authorities. A structural and functional model of the Action Plan development procedure on the basis of the process approach has been drawn up. The interconnection of the main subprocesses of the procedure and their main characteristics is shown. The necessity of creating an automated information system that will increase the efficiency and reduce the labor intensity of the development of Action Plans for organizations has been revealed. This system can be created as part of the implementation of the concept of «smart city» developing in the world. The information system will optimize the search and use of necessary information from the databases of various authorities in the development of the plan. The conclusions of the article show that further development of the conceptual model of the information system for the prevention and elimination of emergencies is required.
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