The sphere of activity of the mining and metallurgical complex of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly included populated areas and agricultural objects. An air dusting zone with a radius of tens of kilometers was formed around openpit mining pits. During explosions in quarries, dust clouds are formed, from which fine mobile dust is dispersed. Therefore, the regions of the Kursk magnetic anomaly are characterized by the accumulation of chemical elements, including hazard classes 1–2. The dustiness factor in ecosystems complicates the living conditions of the population, which experiences the chemical effect of natural leaching of ore mining and processing products. Disturbance in the balance of the pro-oxidant-antioxidant system can cause a variety of diseases. A radical measure to prevent disease is to reduce the volume of mobile dust during ore mining in quarries.
The parameters of rock destruction by explosion depend on the crushing energy intensity, above which the action of the charges goes into the ejection zone with the formation of mobile dust. Increasing the height of the ledge reduces the energy intensity of the explosion (by reducing the consumption of explosives) and the release of mobile dust. Both convective and diffusion processes occur in a dust cloud. Quarry emissions contain metals that form toxic compounds that cause soil degradation. The reaction of living matter to the effects of pollutants is predictable, which can be the basis for regulating the state of the environment. Improving the living conditions of the biota and population in the vicinity of mining sites can be achieved by adjusting the ore mining technology. To reduce the yield of mobile dust, a combined scheme of explosive ore breaking with differentiation of the process of destruction of the base of the ledge and the main mass is recommended.
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