Regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation established that the control and supervisory body, when exercising state control (supervision), municipal control, assigns the objects of control to one of six categories of risk of causing harm. In this case, the criteria for assigning the objects of control to the categories of risk of causing harm should be formed based on the results of assessment of risk causing harm.
In Russia, the distribution of buildings and structures of a different class of functional fire hazard by risk category has so far been carried out based on practical experience of the activity of the state fire control bodies of EMERCOM of Russia.
The paper analyzes the reasons that do not allow the use of classical methods.
The aim of the work is to justify the frequency of scheduled inspections of the objects of control by the state fire supervision authorities. For this, the criterion is formulated for assigning the objects of protection to that or that category of risk causing harm.
As a criterion for assigning the object of control to the categories of risk causing harm it is proposed to use the level of fire protection of buildings (structures) of different class of functional fire hazard. Mathematical model is developed for defining the level of buildings fire protection, and the assessment of its values for buildings (structures) of a different class of functional fire hazard is given.
The distribution of objects of control (objects of protection) is made by categories of risk causing harm (damage) depending on the calculated value of their fire protection level. It is shown that the distribution of the objects of control by risk categories significantly depends on their level of details in the fire record card of the characteristics of the building in which the fire occurred. Optimal terms are proposed for conducting scheduled inspections of the objects of control depending on the risk category to which they are assigned. Suggestions are formulated concerning the improvement of risk-oriented approach in the activity of the state fire supervision authorities of EMERCOM of Russia.
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