For successful fighting large fires, it is required to develop new and improve existing decision-making mechanisms with the objective to increase the efficiency of actions of the involved fire-fighting units.
When making decisions, the fire extinguishing manager must consider the efficiency of possible solutions. Assessment of the efficiency of each possible option is predictive and depends on the system of criteria used. The decision-making process in such conditions is associated with the use of formalized multi-criteria selection procedures, which, in fact, implement multi-criteria optimization. When choosing a multi-criteria solution, the fire extinguishing manager proceeds from his subjective ideas about the importance of the tasks to be solved at each site. Therefore, it is advisable for each fire protection object to develop its own management decision support system that allows to implement multi-criteria optimization based on the preferences of the fire extinguishing manager. The chosen solution option should ensure that several goals of the fire control system are achieved at once.
Methodology is considered related to multi-criteria assessment, which can be used for an objective study of the actions of personnel to extinguish a fire for using them rationally in future. The proposed multi-criteria model for making managerial decisions makes it possible to study a wide class of problems of supporting the control of the fire extinguishing process based on the results of monitoring the actions of fire-fighting units.
Practical application of the theoretical results in the form of a management information support system allows reducing the subjectivity and improving the efficiency of the management decision-making process when extinguishing fires.
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