Occupational Risk Level Correction Methodology Based on the Results of Three-stage Control


A methodology enabling the introduction of changes into risk assessment results based on the operative data on violations of safety requirements detected during control and prompt risk management has been proposed.
It has been observed that the labor safety level is determined by both internal and external factors; and any changes in production affect labor safety. Changes can be explicit, such as new technologies implementation, or less explicit, such as changes in management systems or social and psychological climate. To assess risks associated with such changes indices such as the frequency of safety requirements violations can be applied; the objective is to prevent negative events and promptly respond to changes in occupational risk.
The methodology developed at the Private organization of Federation of Independent Trade-Unions of Russia «Scientific-Research Institute for Labor Protection in Ekaterinburg» is presented; its source data are the operative data on safety requirements violations detected; the calculation formulas are provided.
It has been demonstrated that the proposed methodology enables both occupational risk assessment and prompt response to changes and taking measures to eliminate them resource- and cost-efficiently.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2024-1-41-43
Year: 2024
Issue num: January
Keywords : occupational risk methodology probability требования безопасности risk assessment three-stage control
  • Zamigulov E.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Director, Private organization of Federation of Independent Trade-Unions of Russia «Scientific-Research Institute for Labor Protection in Ekaterinburg», Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
  • Pertseva A.Yu.
    Head of Risk Assessment Section, pertseva@iotekb.ru, Private organization of Federation of Independent Trade-Unions of Russia «Scientific-Research Institute for Labor Protection in Ekaterinburg», Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation