Methane Hazard of Old Mined-out Spaces


Mining-geological and mining-technical conditions for the development of methane-bearing coal seams during their mining by the face along the uprising and strike are given. Brief characteristics of Kuzbass mines is presented by the depths of mining, coal grades, methane content, average daily coal mining, methane abundance of mines and mining faces, extracting seam thickness of the developed seam and the thickness of the superimposed coal seams, parameters of their bedding relative to the seam and the degree of natural degassing under the pressure release effect of the working face. Dependences for the determination of the methane volumes in the superimposed near-mined coal and undermined coal seams, the volumes of gas release during the second working process are specified. Calculations consider the geometrical parameters of the declining coal seam; sizes of the superimposed coal seams; their natural methane content etc. Volumes of methane release to the active working face and three previously mined sections of Boldyrevsky seam were estimated. Both near-mined coal and undermined coal seams, as well as active section of the field in total are considered. Methane volumes released from various sources are compared. Specific indicators of the methane volume of the superimposed coal seams, which remained in the previously mined spaces after methane-air mixtures explosions, are given. Danger of methane accumulations in the previously mined spaces at the working area during mining of methane-bearing coal seams is shown. The article points out to the need in the technological operations on prevention of methane accumulation in the previously worked-out areas of the mine sections of the methane-rich mines.


Mining-geological and mining-technical conditions for the development of methane-bearing coal seams during their mining by the face along the uprising and strike are given. Brief characteristics of Kuzbass mines is presented by the depths of mining, coal grades, methane content, average daily coal mining, methane abundance of mines and mining faces, extracting seam thickness of the developed seam and the thickness of the superimposed coal seams, parameters of their bedding relative to the seam and the degree of natural degassing under the pressure release effect of the working face. Dependences for the determination of the methane volumes in the superimposed near-mined coal and undermined coal seams, the volumes of gas release during the second working process are specified. Calculations consider the geometrical parameters of the declining coal seam; sizes of the superimposed coal seams; their natural methane content etc. Volumes of methane release to the active working face and three previously mined sections of Boldyrevsky seam were estimated. Both near-mined coal and undermined coal seams, as well as active section of the field in total are considered. Methane volumes released from various sources are compared. Specific indicators of the methane volume of the superimposed coal seams, which remained in the previously mined spaces after methane-air mixtures explosions, are given. Danger of methane accumulations in the previously mined spaces at the working area during mining of methane-bearing coal seams is shown. The article points out to the need in the technological operations on prevention of methane accumulation in the previously worked-out areas of the mine sections of the methane-rich mines.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-8-7-12
Year: 2019
Issue num: August
Keywords : mine degassing mined-out space methane coal bed methane content mine section
  • Zaburdayev V.S.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Lead Researcher, Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Podobrazhin S.N.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Research Assistant, STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia