Legislation on industrial safety in the Republic of Uzbekistan appeared with the adoption of the Law On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities. In accordance with Article 15 of this law, all hazardous production facilities are subject to industrial safety examination.
When examining hazardous production facilities with a visit to the site, the following is carried out: assessment of the conformity of design documentation for the construction, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility; assessment of the compliance of technical documentation, as well as technical devices used at a hazardous production facility with the requirements provided for in the project documentation; assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures of a hazardous production facility intended for the implementation of technological processes, storage of hazardous substances with safety requirements; assessment of the industrial safety declaration and other documents related to the operation of a hazardous production facility.
A mathematical model is developed for calculating the efficiency factor for the use of experts in the examination of hazardous production facilities, which allows predicting the most optimal composition of the expert group based on the operating conditions of a hazardous production facility.
2. On approval of the Regulations on the State Committee for Industrial Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 1, 2019 № 75. Available at: https://lex.uz/docs/4187154 (accessed: June 24, 2022). (In Russ).
3. On approval of the regulation on the procedure for conducting an industrial safety expert review and issuing an expert opinion: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 2, 2018 № 784. Available at: https://lex.uz/uz/docs/3924263 (accessed: June 24, 2022). (In Russ).
4. On additional measures to implement the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 10, 2008 № 271. Available at: https://nrm.uz/contentf?doc=167489_postanovlenie_kabineta_ministrov_respubliki_uzbekistan_ot_10_12_2008_g_n_271_o_dopolnitelnyh_merah_po_realizacii_zakona_respubliki_uzbekistan_o_promyshlennoy_bezopasnosti_opasnyh_proizvodstvennyh_obektov (accessed: June 24, 2022). (In Russ).
5. On approval of the rules for accreditation and conducting inspection control over the activities of expert organizations in the field of industrial safety: Order of the head of the State Inspectorate of the Republic of Uzbekistan «Sanoatkontekhnazorat» of August 24, 2009 № 167. Available at: https://lex.uz/uz/docs/1529699 (accessed: June 24, 2022). (In Russ).
6. Shamansurov S.S. Problems of ensuring safety of the technical systems of the complex objects: monograph. Beau Bassin: LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2019. 168 p. (In Russ).
7. Nevskaya E.E., Glebova E.V. Analysis of Ways and Means of Increase of Buildings and Structures Protection Level from Blast Waves Effect. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2017. № 2. pp. 73–78. (In Russ).
8. Odnolko A.A., Sitnikov I.V. Fire risk assessment in industrial premises with the release of combustible liquids and gases. Nauchnyy vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitelnogo universiteta. Stroitelstvo i arkhitektura = Scientific Herald of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Construction and Architecture. 2011. № 3 (23). pp. 125–133. (In Russ).
9. Suleymanov A.A. Analysis of risks at the industrial enterprises as a result of seismic action with the secondary fires. Vestnik Baltiyskogo federalnogo universiteta im. I. Kanta. Ser. «Fiziko-matematicheskie i tekhnicheskie nauki» = Bulletin of the Baltic Federal University named after I. Kant. Series Physico-mathematical and technical sciences. 2018. № 2. pp. 92–106. (In Russ).
10. Suleymanov A.A., Tolibov O.S., Musaev M.N., Abdurakhmanov M.R. Probability theory for ensuring safety of the complex systems. Sbornik nauch. tr. VIII Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. «Innovatsii, kachestvo i servis v tekhnike i tekhnologiyakh» = Collection of the scientific papers of the Eighth International Scientific-practicalal Conference «Innovation, quality and service in the engineering and technologies». Kursk: ZAO «Universitetskaya kniga», 2018. pp. 365–369. (In Russ).
11. Suleymanov A.A., Dzhuraev O.A., Umarov F.Ya., Shamansurov S.S. Risk assessment for seismic and fire hazards at hazardous industrial and classified sites of industry. Stroitelnaya mekhanika inzhenernykh konstruktsiy i sooruzheniy = Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings. 2019. Vol. 15. № 3. pp. 219–228. (In Russ).
12. Shamansurov S.S., Dzhuraev O.A., Atakhanova A.I. Improvement of the System of the Unified State Register for Hazardous Production Facilities in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2021. № 9. pp. 15–19. (In Russ). DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-9-15-19