Shipping terminals of the liquefied natural gas are generally included to the scope of the plants for liquefying natural gas, therefore the pipercak upstream the loading arms of the liquefied natural gas, which connects storage tanks and jetty for shipment, is designed in the scope of the plant complex facilities. At the same time, the liquefied natural gas terminals are also included in the scope of the seaport, which is used for construction and ensuring production activities of these facilities. Transportation of the liquefied natural gas in the tankers — the preferred type of transport for this product, as the transportation of the liquefied natural gas through the main pipelines is practically inappropriate in the presence of the main gas pipelines.
Cryogenic pipeline of the liquefied natural gas is referred to intershop process pipelines since it serves to transport the finished product from the plant to the jetty for shipment to the tankers. Taking into account the large length of these pipelines it is possible that they will be crossed with the railways and the highways, located closer to the settlements and the infrastructure of the seaport, various facilities that is usually specific for the main pipelines. Therefore, the task of ensuring reliability and safety of the cryogenic pipelines for the liquefied natural gas shipment is required and of high priority.
Specific hazards associated with the operation of the liquified natural gas pipelines are noted. The analysis was carried out concerning the regulatory documents requirements for liquified natural gas cryogenic pipelines in terms of various problematic issues.
The current regulatory framework in the field of industrial safety for both the objects of the liquefied natural gas in general and for extended cryogenic pipelines is insufficient. These issues should be addressed by developing additional requirements for cryogenic liquefied natural gas pipelines. When developing and improving them, it is required to use the current studies in the field of the pipeline transport of the liquefied natural gas, the Russian and the foreign experience in the design and operation of the process, main and liquefied natural gas pipelines, as well as the objects of the liquefied natural gas.
A.A. Leskonog, Research Associate, G.Yu. Churkin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy Director Yu. V. Bekasov, Senior Researcher ANO «Industrial Risk Research Agency», Moscow, Russia
Shipping terminals of the liquefied natural gas are generally included to the scope of the plants for liquefying natural gas, therefore the pipercak upstream the loading arms of the liquefied natural gas, which connects storage tanks and jetty for shipment, is designed in the scope of the plant complex facilities. At the same time, the liquefied natural gas terminals are also included in the scope of the seaport, which is used for construction and ensuring production activities of these facilities. Transportation of the liquefied natural gas in the tankers — the preferred type of transport for this product, as the transportation of the liquefied natural gas through the main pipelines is practically inappropriate in the presence of the main gas pipelines.
Cryogenic pipeline of the liquefied natural gas is referred to intershop process pipelines since it serves to transport the finished product from the plant to the jetty for shipment to the tankers. Taking into account the large length of these pipelines it is possible that they will be crossed with the railways and the highways, located closer to the settlements and the infrastructure of the seaport, various facilities that is usually specific for the main pipelines. Therefore, the task of ensuring reliability and safety of the cryogenic pipelines for the liquefied natural gas shipment is required and of high priority.
Specific hazards associated with the operation of the liquified natural gas pipelines are noted. The analysis was carried out concerning the regulatory documents requirements for liquified natural gas cryogenic pipelines in terms of various problematic issues.
The current regulatory framework in the field of industrial safety for both the objects of the liquefied natural gas in general and for extended cryogenic pipelines is insufficient. These issues should be addressed by developing additional requirements for cryogenic liquefied natural gas pipelines. When developing and improving them, it is required to use the current studies in the field of the pipeline transport of the liquefied natural gas, the Russian and the foreign experience in the design and operation of the process, main and liquefied natural gas pipelines, as well as the objects of the liquefied natural gas.
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