Criteria for Buildings and Structures Blast Resistance at Hazardous Production Facilities


At present among the most topical problems in the field of industrial safety is blast resistance of buildings and structures at hazardous production facilities.

Statistical data on accidents consequences confirm the impossibility of ensuring guaranteed trouble-free operation of hazardous production facilities. Based on Rostechnadzor data the share of accidents, related to explosions at hazardous production facilities, in the petrochemical and oil and gas processing industries is about 50 % of all the accidents over recent years. 

To ensure safety during operation of buildings and structures it is required not only to provide for activities that eliminate the occurrence of fires in them (fire safety), but also to take into account in their design the possible negative external technogenic effect in the form of an emergency explosion. Thus, it is required to develop precise unified list of buildings and structures that must be completed (designed and constructed) as a blast resistant primarily at hazardous production facilities of the I and II classes of hazard.

Based on the analysis of the native and foreign experience, the more flexible approach is proposed for establishing maximum frequency of building destruction under the blast loads. Frequency of blast effect on buildings and structures should vary from 1·10–4 to 1·10–2 year–1 depending on their significance and the consequences of their destruction (or deformations).


At present among the most topical problems in the field of industrial safety is blast resistance of buildings and structures at hazardous production facilities.

Statistical data on accidents consequences confirm the impossibility of ensuring guaranteed trouble-free operation of hazardous production facilities. Based on Rostechnadzor data the share of accidents, related to explosions at hazardous production facilities, in the petrochemical and oil and gas processing industries is about 50 % of all the accidents over recent years. 

To ensure safety during operation of buildings and structures it is required not only to provide for activities that eliminate the occurrence of fires in them (fire safety), but also to take into account in their design the possible negative external technogenic effect in the form of an emergency explosion. Thus, it is required to develop precise unified list of buildings and structures that must be completed (designed and constructed) as a blast resistant primarily at hazardous production facilities of the I and II classes of hazard.

Based on the analysis of the native and foreign experience, the more flexible approach is proposed for establishing maximum frequency of building destruction under the blast loads. Frequency of blast effect on buildings and structures should vary from 1·10–4 to 1·10–2 year–1 depending on their significance and the consequences of their destruction (or deformations).

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-5-40-46
Year: 2019
Issue num: May
Keywords : industrial safety requirements risk analysis accident explosion structures buildings blast resistance