Acceptable Risk Criteria when Justifying the Safety of the Placement of Main Gas Pipelines within the Fifth Subzone of the Aerodrome Territory


Issues of the safety of the placement of hazardous production facilities, in particular the main gas pipelines, within the boundaries of the fifth subzone of the aerodrome territory, as well as the possibility of applying a risk-oriented approach in justifying such placement, currently have a high degree of relevance.
The review was carried out concerning the domestic and foreign approaches used in the field of ensuring the safety of the aircraft flights. At the same time, it was not possible to find studies devoted to assessing the impact of possible accidents at hazardous production facilities, located, or designed within the aerodrome territory, on the safety of aircraft flights. The present work was done to fill this gap.
The following are proposed as key indicators of acceptable risk: the individual risk of death of passengers and crew members arising from accidents at hazardous production facilities within the fifth subzone of the aerodrome territory of the civil aviation aerodrome, and the expected number of deaths on board the aircraft as a result of such accidents during the year. The values of the acceptable risk criteria are assessed on the basis of the world experience in rationing risk indicators and, are also based on the open statistical data of domestic criteria for the safety of aircraft flights and air passengers applicable to the problem under consideration. The proposed set of criteria allows to link the methodology for ensuring the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities with the specifics of ensuring the safety of aircraft flights and the statistical accounting of aviation incidents and accidents.
The need to develop a specialized calculation methodology for determining the actual values of risk indicators proposed as safety criteria is noted. The basic requirements related to this methodology are outlined in the paper.


Issues of the safety of the placement of hazardous production facilities, in particular the main gas pipelines, within the boundaries of the fifth subzone of the aerodrome territory, as well as the possibility of applying a risk-oriented approach in justifying such placement, currently have a high degree of relevance.
The review was carried out concerning the domestic and foreign approaches used in the field of ensuring the safety of the aircraft flights. At the same time, it was not possible to find studies devoted to assessing the impact of possible accidents at hazardous production facilities, located, or designed within the aerodrome territory, on the safety of aircraft flights. The present work was done to fill this gap.
The following are proposed as key indicators of acceptable risk: the individual risk of death of passengers and crew members arising from accidents at hazardous production facilities within the fifth subzone of the aerodrome territory of the civil aviation aerodrome, and the expected number of deaths on board the aircraft as a result of such accidents during the year. The values of the acceptable risk criteria are assessed on the basis of the world experience in rationing risk indicators and, are also based on the open statistical data of domestic criteria for the safety of aircraft flights and air passengers applicable to the problem under consideration. The proposed set of criteria allows to link the methodology for ensuring the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities with the specifics of ensuring the safety of aircraft flights and the statistical accounting of aviation incidents and accidents.
The need to develop a specialized calculation methodology for determining the actual values of risk indicators proposed as safety criteria is noted. The basic requirements related to this methodology are outlined in the paper.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2023-3-83-89
Year: 2023
Issue num: March
Keywords : hazardous production facility risk assessment магистральный газопровод критерии безопасности aerodrome area fifth subzone safety of flights