The article examines the reform of control and supervisory activities in the Russian Federation on the example of the implementation of the federal state energy supervision in the framework of control (supervision) over compliance with the rules of protection of electric networks. At the same time, there is a small number of publications and analytical reports related to the improvement of control and supervisory measures on compliance with the rules for the protection of electrical networks.
The concepts are given related to the electric network in the framework of this study. General legal grounds for the implementation of control and supervisory measures on complience with the rules for the protection of electrical networks providing for the organization of scheduled and unscheduled on-site inspections, and approaches to them are given in the article.
Important elements and directions for improving the state control (supervision) over the observance of the rules for the protection of electrical networks placed of land plots are identified: an inspection visit as a form of control and supervision, the need for amending the Rules on the control of protected zones. Public authorities are indicated, which can detect violations in compliance with the rules of protection of electric networks placed of land plots in the implementation of land control (supervision) and forest supervision. The entities of control and supervisory measures in terms of compliance with the rules of protection of electrical networks are considered. Administrative offenses related to violations of the rules of protection of electrical networks are analyzed in detail, objects and subjects of such offenses are identified. Objective side of the violations of the rules of protection of electric networks is also determined. The draft of the new Code of Administrative Offenses, in contrast to its current version, provides for the liability for violations for the rules of protection of electrical networks with a voltage up to 1000 V, and above this value.
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6. Tihomirova L.A. Zones with special conditions for the use of territories: features of legal regulation. Available at: (accessed: December 15, 2020). (In Russ.).
7. On the approval of the Rules for technical operation of electrical installations of the consumers: Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russia of January 13, 2003 № 6. Available at: https:// (accessed: December 18, 2020). (In Russ.).
8. Regulation on implementation of the federal state energy supervision: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2013 № 610. Available at: https:// (accessed: December 16, 2020). (In Russ.).
9. Forest Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of December 4, 2006 № 200-FZ. Available at: (accessed: December 18, 2020). (In Russ.).
10. Rules for implementation of the measures for monitoring compliance with special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of the protected zones of power grid facilities: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2010 № 103. Available at: (accessed: December 18, 2020). (In Russ.).
11. On the approval of the Rules for technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation: Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russia of June 19, 2003 № 229. Available at: (accessed: December 16, 2020). (In Russ.).
12. Code of the Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of December 30, 2001 № 195-FZ. Available at: (accessed: December 18, 2020). (In Russ.).
13. Code of the Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation: project of Federal Law. Available at: (accessed: December 18, 2020). (In Russ.).