Currently, fire-retardant treatment of materials, products and structures is widely used in the construction of industrial facilities. Fire protection technologies are constantly being improved, and the range of fire protection equipment is expanding annually. Due to the fact that the service life of building structures is estimated in tens of years, the question arises about the ability of fire-retardant means to perform tasks to ensure the fire safety of a building (structure) during long-term operation.
Considering that there is currently no regulatory document in Russia to determine the service life of fire-retardant coatings, and research in this area is clearly insufficient, the importance and the need of solving this issue becomes obvious.
The article considers the main regularities and processes occurring in the fire-retardant coating from the moment of its creation to the moment of loss of its main operational characteristics.
Analysis of the methods for assessing the safety of fire-retardant properties of coatings showed that undoubtedly the most reliable data on the preservation of fire-retardant properties of the coatings can be obtained only by the results of full-scale tests. However, due to the labor-intensive and time-consuming nature of such tests, it is advisable to use accelerated tests of coatings on small-sized metal plates in climatic chambers to predict the service life of fire-retardant coatings for metal structures.
The main criterion for predicting the service life of fire- retardant coatings is their preservation of fire- retardant properties over time.
As methods for assessing the preservation of fire-retardant properties, the possibility is shown related to using express assessment methods and thermal analysis methods after accelerated climatic tests and directly at the facility after a certain period of operation.
In addition, at the same time, the main provisions of GOST R 59637—2021 were considered and used in quality control of fire-retardant treatment, as well as during installation (application), maintenance and repair. Individual requirements and concepts of the specified standard may be partially modified and supplemented.
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