Control and Management of Unsafe Actions of Employees Based on Fuzzy Indices


Industrial accidents and incidents are negative indices for the occupational safety management system of a company forcing employers to implement various systems of control and management of unsafe actions of employees. According to various studies, the human factor is the cause of the majority of accidents at production. Unintentional errors or negligent attitudes to work are the causes of unsafe actions of employees. Observation of the indices of unsafe actions of employees, identification of weaknesses, prediction of potential accidents, and the development of preventive measures are the basic factors to ensure occupational safety. In practice, however, the lack of necessary information hampers the implementation of timely preventive measures. Identification and study of unsafe actions of employees will provide the necessary basis for the analysis, prediction, and development of preventive measures to ensure occupational safety. The possibility to apply indices with fuzzy borders as preventive (leading) indicators to eliminate the causes of unsafe actions of employees has been demonstrated.
Control and management of unsafe actions of employees based on fizzy indices will allow for the timely development of preventive measures to ensure occupational safety. Preventive indicators have been considered a database with fuzzy borders to rely on in order to develop measures to improve safety indices. The database will be changing constantly; therefore, the measures applied will be changing as well. This approach will stimulate the establishment of a positive safety culture in a company. The development and implementation of measures to improve indices of preventive indicators significantly increased safety indices in the company in 2023.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2024-5-7-12
Year: 2024
Issue num: May
Keywords : occupational safety safety culture human factor preventive indicators fuzzy indices unsafe actions
  • Bashirov Z.A.
    Postgraduate Student, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russian Federation
  • Kuleshov V.V.
    Senior Lecturer,, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russian Federation
  • Fomin A.I.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Researcher (AO «NTs VostNII», Kemerovo, Russia), Head of the Department (KuzSTU, Kemerovo, Russia)