The main purpose of local ventilation application at the enterprise is the localization of harmful impurities emitted in the process of performing technological operations. Selection of the collaborative modes of such complex systems as а plenum fresh air stream and the suction spectrum of the aspiration system is the main condition for prevention of the emission of harmful and hazardous substances in the premise.
Use of the modern nozzles on the end branch pipes of the air ventilation devices significantly changes already developed recommendations for following the modes of operation of the existing local ventilation systems.
The given results of the experimental work on computer simulation of the process of interaction of the plenum stream and suction spectrum performed with the help of STAR-CCM + v9.06 complex show that it is possible to use several basic schemes of air flow distribution in the ventilated room.
In this case, the distance between the plenum stream and the suction spectrum of the aspiration device is a determining factor in the formation of one or another scheme of ventilation.
The analysis of obtained velocity fields of air streams in the area of active interaction of the plenum stream and the suction torch allowed to recommend the most optimal, from the point of view of localization of harmful and (or) hazardous substances, scheme of distribution of air masses in the ventilated volume. The proposed empirical relationship allows to calculate the distance of the optimal interaction of the suction spectrum and the plenum stream depending on the shape of the plenum nozzle and the air flow rate. To search for the optimal parameters of the computer model the standard mathematical method was used for calculating the process of air distribution adopted for constructing velocity fields in the computer program database.
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