In the modern economy, a valuable place is held by geographically distributed objects (branches) of industrial enterprises with a network communication structure. These are large enterprises whose activities are aimed at ensuring primary life support for the population with hot water supply, heat, and electrical energy. One of them is PAO Mosenergo (the largest among the generating companies in Russia, which is part of PAO Gazprom). Well-being of the serviced population living in the cities (megalopolises) and urban districts depends on the state and quality of functioning of the facilities related to one of the types of thermal power plants, called heating and power plants.
The problem is considered concerning risk management in the industry safety subsystems of life support enterprises having sections (sites) of hazardous production facilities. The statement and the solution are proposed related to the problem associated with the comprehensive approach to risk assessment in the intersectoral system of technosphere safety. Using as an example the enterprise of PAO Mosenergo the approach is presented concerning the assessment of the resilience to overcoming emergency situations and developing comprehensive safety at life support enterprises that have hazardous production facilities.
Implementation of the risk-based approach will allow monitoring over the changes in the properties of industry-specific safety subsystems that are part of the comprehensive technosphere safety systems of the enterprises.
Implementation of the approach based on financial targeted support of the most dangerous high-risk areas will allow to increase the stability of functioning of the comprehensive technosphere safety systems for life support facilities in the urban regions, and will transfer the comprehensive technosphere safety systems of the enterprises to a higher quality level.
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