Multifunctional relationship of efficiency, temperature, oxygen content of flue gases — drying agent at the entrance to the drying apparatus of the unshielded furnaces of large-tonnage gas drying plants was studied. An innovative nomogram was built linking the real ranges of efficiency of the unshielded furnaces, temperature, oxygen content of flue gases at the entrance to the drying apparatus. An express method was developed for calculating the efficiency in real time on an innovative nomogram using regularly or instrumentally controlled temperature and oxygen content of the flue gases at the entrance to the drying apparatus. Using the express calculation method allows to ensure that the current value of the efficiency of the firebox matches the range entered the regime map and determined during regime tests. It corresponds to the minimum heat loss, full combustion of explosion hazardous products of the intermediate reactions of combustion, minimum yield of explosion hazardous and toxic gasses and minimum fuel consumption. In real-time mode, on the innovation nomogram the current value of the efficiency of the furnace is determined and the firebox operation is controlled. Efficiency is reduced to the optimal value, which ensures the minimum yield of toxic gases, improvement of the working area air, fuel saving during gas drying of wet concentrates to the required condition.
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