On the Issue of Improving the Operational Safety of Industrial Structures Based on the Results of Nondestructive Testing


The main methods of assessing critical defects of industrial structures are considered and analyzed, among which special attention is paid to the method based on the verification of non-destructive testing techniques in operating conditions of industrial structures close to real ones, as well as the method of assessing defects by risk criteria. It is shown that the main disadvantage of the known methods is the lack of a link between the types and characteristics of real defects and non-destructive testing methods that are optimal by one criterion or another for the control of industrial structures. A comprehensive experimental technique for determining the parameters of minimum defects in a real industrial structure made of polymer composite materials is proposed, which combines the advantages of using traditional methods and means of non-destructive testing with a probable approach, which together allow to identify the entire range of critical defects that directly affect the resource and operational safety of industrial structures. As the defects of the composite structure used to study the developed technique, spatial defects in the form of delamination between layers of reinforcing filler were considered, as the most critical from the point of view of the resource of the structure and the safety of its operation. Based on the results of experimental studies, it is established that for a specific structure it is advisable to determine the minimum values of defects geometric parameters. This, in turn, allowed to manufacture an appropriate standard sample with similar artificial defects, adjust the flaw detector to its parameters, and conduct non-destructive testing. It is experimentally confirmed that this approach allows to increase the reliability of non-destructive testing of industrial structures by identifying the entire spectrum of defects characteristic of the case under consideration, which directly affect the reliability, resource, and safety of their operation.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-12-65-71
Year: 2021
Issue num: December
Keywords : non-destructive testing defect industrial structure risk criteria defect disclosure defect length
  • Fedotov M.Yu.
    RAE Corresponding Member, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Vice President, fedotovmyu@gmail.com Russian Academy of Engineering, Moscow, Russia
  • Budadin O.N.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Chief Research Associate Joint Stock Company «Central Research Institute of Special Engineering», Khotkovo, Russia
  • Kozelskaya S.O.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Research Assistant Joint Stock Company «Central Research Institute of Special Engineering», Khotkovo, Russia