16 % of all the mineral resources in the world belongs to Russia, but currently its base is characterized by the depletion of rich and large mineral deposits. The relevance is increased concerning the search for and development of technologies that ensure a more complete and comprehensive use of the subsoil reserves. At the same time, one of the important criteria for the efficiency of mineral extraction technologies is the influence of the products of the activities of mining and processing enterprises on the state of the environmental ecosystems.
The article substantiates the relevance of technologies development for a more complete use of the recoverable reserves. A criterion for the efficiency of the technologies for the extraction of mineral raw materials is proposed in the form of reducing the influence of the products of the mining and processing enterprises activities on the environment state. Aspects of metal extraction from tailings in a disintegrator mill are investigated. The forecast is provided related to the reduction of the threat to living matter due to the implementation of the concept of radical waste–free processing of low–quality mineral raw materials.
Technologies with metal leaching and complete disposal of coal processing waste will become attractive from an economic point of view, when the modern methods of preparing mineral raw materials for use in industry give way to the environmental methods. The efficiency of the technology is evaluated based on the long–term statistical indicators. It is determined by the ratio of the compensation costs and damage from the waste storage, the production capacity of the recycling enterprise and its technological level.
The concept of handling substandard mineral raw materials is based on the fact that if it is impossible to assess the actual damage to humans, flora and fauna, the possibility of causing this damage should be technologically excluded, i.e. not to preserve, but to dispose of the tailings.
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