To the Problem of Minimizing the Volume of Mobile Dust in the Development of Pits


Technogenic factors that have a negative effect on the environment and humans are analyzed. The integrated effect of negative impact on the environment aggravated by the number of factors is revealed. These factors include the following: gorges, river valleys and mountain landscapes. From the previously conducted studies it was concluded that the main source of negative effects on living organisms is the mineralized dust. The actual task of the study is determined, which consists in detailing the mechanisms and methods of the mineralized dust formation for improving the methods of minimizing its formation. Using the example of an open pit development of a dolomite deposit the  relationship is established between the indicators of atmospheric dusting by the products of rock technological crushing and grinding. Dependence is established related to the dust emission intensity on the air flow velocity and dust concentration. It is proved that all the dust-like products formed as the result of mining and processing of the mineral raw materials have dimensions that allow them to move with the help of air masses. The results of the experiments on solving the problem of reducing dust by minimizing the output of mobile dust classes are presented (studies of the granulometric composition of rocks of various types with differentiation by type of the dust source, the mechanism of pollution using trapping screens and the development of directions for minimizing dusting of the atmosphere of the quarry and the surrounding area). The measures to reduce dust formation are proposed. The model for assessing the potential of environmental pollution by gas and dust products is developed. The proposed measures and the developed model will allow to minimize the effect of mining production on the environment of the region and the health of the workers of the mining enterprise and the residents of the region. The results obtained may be in demand when improving existing and developing new methods for improving occupational safety in the mining industry.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-11-28-33
Year: 2021
Issue num: November
Keywords : ecology dust region public health ore dressing ore mining and processing quarrying