Study of the Time Characteristics for Emergency Situations in the Coal Mines


The problems directly related to ensuring safety of work in the coal mines are considered. Statistical, technical, and expert analyses was carried out using available research data on the causes and conditions of various underground accidents (methane and coal dust explosions, blockages and collapses, endogenous fires, etc.) at the coal mines in Russia and other coal-producing countries over the past 15 years. The results of studies of natural, technical, and organizational factors of accidents showed that there is a tendency to preserving their number. Possible reasons for a rather high accident rate in the mines, including fatal injuries to personnel, are as follows: insufficient time reserve to escape from the accidents, which, moreover, is not used to the full extent by the mine personnel and management dealing with safety issues during accidents; decisions on establishing the nature and causes of accidents are made on the basis of unreliable information; the development of accidents is influenced by the uncontrollable and beyond control factors. 
Temporary model of the accident development is proposed. In six different accidents, the structural pattern is established, which is expressed as a golden wurf. This fact shows that there is an optimal dependence between the available time margin and the time to recover from an accident of any complexity. Natural, technical, and organizational factors influencing the margin of time for recovery from the accidents are considered. The importance is shown concerning careful filtration of the digital and voice messages content for the mine personnel when analyzing accidents. The concept of filtration procedure is formulated.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-1-39-45
Year: 2022
Issue num: January
Keywords : safety emergency situations prediction explosion coal mines control difficult-to-control factors temporary model hazard assessment