Study of the Influence of Factors of the State of Oil Trunk Pipelines on the Degree of Accident Risk



The article examines the current state of the oil industry in Russia. The main reasons for depressurization of the main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines are analyzed, domestic and foreign methods for assessing the pipeline accidents risk are considered. Review of domestic and foreign software products is carried out allowing to assess the accidents risk.

The software application was developed for solving the problems of scoring the factors of influence of the state of the main oil pipelines and main oil product pipelines on the degree of accidents risk. The software application is based on the methodology of the same name. Five groups of factors are considered: external anthropogenic impacts, corrosion, natural influences, structural and technological factors, defects of the pipe body and welds.

In order to test the software application, the article presents a calculation for three different sections of the main oil pipeline, one of which passes through the river. The influence of various factors on the final value of the score was investigated. The largest number of options was studied in the group of constructive and technological factors. For clarity, the calculation results are presented in the form of graphs. Based on the data obtained, it is concluded that the underwater area is the safest. The analysis of the dependence of the load amplitude on the number of cycles is carried out. Repetitive scores were identified for different loads and number of cycles. It is established that the operation of a pipeline with a multiple small excess of the load poses the same risk of accident as the operation with a high amplitude of the load with a small number of cycles.

The developed software application is an efficient software product, the main purpose of which is not only to obtain the final result, but, also, to study the influence of various factors on the degree of accidents risk for operating and projected pipelines.


The article examines the current state of the oil industry in Russia. The main reasons for depressurization of the main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines are analyzed, domestic and foreign methods for assessing the pipeline accidents risk are considered. Review of domestic and foreign software products is carried out allowing to assess the accidents risk.

The software application was developed for solving the problems of scoring the factors of influence of the state of the main oil pipelines and main oil product pipelines on the degree of accidents risk. The software application is based on the methodology of the same name. Five groups of factors are considered: external anthropogenic impacts, corrosion, natural influences, structural and technological factors, defects of the pipe body and welds.

In order to test the software application, the article presents a calculation for three different sections of the main oil pipeline, one of which passes through the river. The influence of various factors on the final value of the score was investigated. The largest number of options was studied in the group of constructive and technological factors. For clarity, the calculation results are presented in the form of graphs. Based on the data obtained, it is concluded that the underwater area is the safest. The analysis of the dependence of the load amplitude on the number of cycles is carried out. Repetitive scores were identified for different loads and number of cycles. It is established that the operation of a pipeline with a multiple small excess of the load poses the same risk of accident as the operation with a high amplitude of the load with a small number of cycles.

The developed software application is an efficient software product, the main purpose of which is not only to obtain the final result, but, also, to study the influence of various factors on the degree of accidents risk for operating and projected pipelines.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-10-71-76
Year: 2021
Issue num: October
Keywords : hazardous production facility score assessment main oil pipeline accident risk assessment main oil product pipeline software application
  • Zharkov V.V.
    Candidate, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
  • Savitskaya T.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
  • ;
    Sverchkov A.M.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy Head of Department, STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russian Federation