Extraction of mineral deposits capable of oxidizing by air oxygen can be accompanied by the development of spontaneous-combustion processes. Especially dangerous is the occurrence of the centers of endogenous fires for mines and ore mines due to filling of mine workings with toxic products followed by ignition of explosive gas and dust mixtures. Studies of the sorption activity of the sulfide ore samples showed that the reactions of different ores on treatment with the same compositions can differ significantly. In addition to the chemical composition of the ore, the initial humidity of the sample also affects the result. Therefore, it is required to select the most efficient compositions for the prevention and suppression of spontaneous-combustion processes for each type of ore, taking into account the cluster humidity content. Governing parameter in determining the tendency of the sulfide ores to spontaneous-combustion is the rate of oxygen sorption. Conducted studies showed that the samples of the sulfide ores with low humidity (from 0.16 to 0.4 %) have a low oxygen sorption rate and are not prone to spontaneous-combustion. Increase of humidity content of the most sulfur-containing ores up to 3–10 % is able to increase the rate of oxygen sorption by tens and hundreds of times, which transfers them to the group of prone and largely prone to spontaneous-combustion. It is required to determine the tendency of sulfide ore to spontaneous-combustion by the rate of oxygen sorption of samples moistened to the values that may occur during extraction, transportation and storage of the mineral deposit. Selection of the antipyrogens for preventing spontaneous-combustion should be conducted individually for each type of the sulfide ores, taking into account the humidity content of the processed clusters.
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