Today, the problem of increased air temperatures in excavations of shafts and mines limiting or hampering mine-rescue operations is crucial. The existing technical solutions primarily aim to reduce the effects of heating microclimate on the mine rescuers via the use of individual and collective anti-heat equipment. Meanwhile, a potentially prospective means to ensure safe thermal effects on rescuers is to reduce the air temperature along their route via the use of air conditioning systems. The article is dedicated to developing a methodology for the air-conditioning system calculation to ensure the safety of mine-rescue operations. The developed methodology is conceptual and based on the principle of equity of the duration and intensity of cooling and heating effects of the environment on mine rescuers, considering the differentiation of the mine-rescue operations’ route by the parameters of tracing and microclimate following the requirements of the Instruction on localization and elimination of accident consequences. The calculations based on the proposed methodology enable the determination of the cooling capacity of the conditioning system that normalizes the microclimate along the entire length of the mine-rescue operations’ route as well as the maximum air temperature on the route. It is assumed that the developed methodology can be useful in the design of regular and emergency air-conditioning systems.
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