Innovative Corrosion Inhibitor — The Bactericide for Water and Emulsion Systems

M.L. Galkin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Technical Director OOO Spektroplast, Moscow, Russia N.G. Manokhina, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Scientific Consultant, MKhO named after D.I. Mendeleyev, Moscow, Russia


The methods of improving labor safety, reliability and safety of operation of the equipment, elements of steel structures required for the development and trouble-free operation of all industries are described in the article. It is achieved by means of auxiliary chemical agents for lubricating-cooling fluids — inhibitors and bactericides as means of anticorrosive and antibacterial protection. Influence of microorganisms on the health of the employees, the reasons of metal bio-corrosion emergence and bio-attack of lubricating-cooling fluids and methods of their prevention are considered.
The results of researches conducted in OOO «Spektroplast» and in the Test center AO MTZ «Filit» concerning the influence on steel corrosion of water-soluble concentrates of corrosion inhibitors and saline deposits of SP-V grade and the number of biocides in the water and emulsion systems of the metallurgical equipment. The Russian innovative highly efficient corrosion inhibitor — the bactericide of SP-V-10-0 grade — has proved itself as the most progressive and cost-effective auxiliary chemical agent. It has increased economic, ecological and technological production efficiency which resulted in decrease of steel pipes and tools corrosion; increase in equipment capacity; increase in anticorrosive properties and service life of lubricating-cooling fluids at decrease of its bio-attack and costs for procurement, delivery, storage of emulsol and auxiliary chemical agents, emulsion preparation, operation, regeneration and recovery, and also in improvement of the employees working conditions due to decrease of biohazard and pH value of lubricating-cooling fluids.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-9-37-45
Year: 2017
Issue num: September
Keywords : corrosion lubricating-cooling fluids inhibitor biocide biohazard pipes quality
  • Galkin M.L.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
  • Manokhina N.G.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Scientific Consultant, MKhO named after D.I. Mendeleyev, Moscow, Russia