Yu.M. Biryukov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor FGBOU VPO «Kaliningrad State Technical University», Kaliningrad, Russia
The problems are reviewed concerning the preparation to working of prone to outburst coal beds taking into account their high gas bearing capacity, prone to outbursts, lack of protective layers and the condition of coal massif (rock fracture, genesis and containment of cracks, water permeability). The method is proposed on hydrodynamic coal bed site separation through the vertical wells drilled from the surface with overlapping of hydroseparation zones taking into account the rock fracture and the porosity of the coal massif, its water permeability. Decrease in natural gas content, a prone to outburst coal bed by extraction of methane through the vertical wells of a hydroseparation and the sheeted wells of the developed coal massif are noted in the Article. This method allows to increase methane yield from 1t of coal reserves by 2–2,5 times in comparison with the traditional methods. Methane yield from the wells of bed hydroseparation used for control of gas emission from the developed space of faces was from 1,1 to 4 m3/min. This method of site mining of the coal massif is applied for preliminary preparation to safe mining of the horizons on particularly prone to outburst coal bed D6 at the mines named after Lenin V.I., namely «Kazakhstan», etc.
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