Industrial Safety Expertise — Barrier to Incidents and Accidents

A.M. Kuznetsov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., General Director, AO IrkutskNIIkhimmash, Irkutsk, Russia


The complexity of the degradation processes of materials of technical devices and their causes are shown. It is noted that the activities in the field of industrial safety expertise are an important procedure for reducing and preventing incidents and accidents at hazardous production facilities that require deep knowledge of specialists in the field of materials sciences, corrosion, strength, welding, technological processes at hazardous production facilities and in other branches. Therefore, when selecting the expert organization and evaluating the services for industrial safety expertise there shall be state approach and the activity in the field of industrial safety expertise shall not be considered as an ordinary business at the current «market» without the rules and fair competition. The important role of culture of production and the human factor is noted, it is unacceptable when for the sake of money resource savings the established requirements to purchase of the materials, operation, repair works are violated. The resulting savings due to cheap materials and services then turn into big losses. The problems and measures are considered, which require solutions on the issues of implementing efficient expertise of industrial safety of technical devices for ensuring safety of labour conditions at hazardous production facilities.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-6-45-51
Year: 2018
Issue num: June
Keywords : industrial safety industrial safety expertise technical condition technical device expert organization