Kh.M. Khanukhov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), General Director A.V. Alipov, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Department Head N.V. Chetvertukhin, Deputy General Director, A.R. Kolomytsev, Senior engineer OOO NPK Isotermik, Moscow, Russia E.S. Korsakov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Leader of the Industrial Department OOO United Industrial Initiative, Moscow, Russia
Issues related to increase in industrial safety and economic efficiency of the single-wall isothermal tanks for liquid ammonia storage due to application of effective thermal insulation and the corresponding increase in the lifetime between the tank shutdown for full inspection of its technical condition up to the lifecycle of the tank itself are considered in the article.
One of the factors effecting safe operation of the isothermal tank in the period of all service life is the condition of thermal insulation. The problem is noted concerning the deterioration in properties of thermal insulation of low-temperature equipment, which results in increase of risk of accidents emergence and leads to great economic losses. Based on the long-term operating experience of isothermal tanks, it is noted that the most effective as the thermal isolation are the inorganic materials with the closed cell (foamglass).
When comparing the physicotechnical characteristics of the foamglass and organic materials with high percent of closed cells (polyurethane foam, foamed polystyrene, etc.) it is noted that the foamglass, being almost vapor-moisture-proof material, as a part of heat-insulating structure forms hermetically closed contour around the equipment isolated by it, and does not allow for forming the moist environment promoting emergence of corrosion processes and reducing efficiency of thermal insulation. Besides the solution of the problem related to thermal insulation the protection against superficial corrosion is also ensured. Along with it a foamglass is the fireproof material.
FOAMGLAS® foamglass selection as the safest thermal insulation of the isothermal tank as nonflammable and vapor-moisture-proof material is justified. The process of thermal isolation replacement is described on the specific example of the isothermal tank
It is noted that in Russia the production of thermal insulation is organized on the basis of the foamglass, which cost is lower than FOAMGLAS®, but on the main thermotechnical properties (heat conductivity coefficient) such a product is inferior to FOAMGLAS® insulation.
The real economic efficiency of operation of isothermal tanks with FOAMGLAS® insulation (significant reduction of losses of ammonia, energy consumption, idle time and costs for repair work), and increase in industrial safety level is shown (decrease in risk of emergencies occurrence due to increase of internal pressure, temperature stratification, decrease in overload of the refrigeration unit compressors, increase in fire resistance limit of the tank metal structures, decrease in the tank foundation load).
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