A.F. Khasanova, Post-graduate Student, khasanova1@bk.ru M.A. Gallyamov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof. Z.A. Zakirova, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof. FSBEI Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia
The processes of heat exchange are among the most important in the fuel industry. Currently, one of the major problems in the implementation of the heat exchange processes is their insufficient efficiency, which often does not allow to solve technology challenges.
One of the most important tasks to ensure the efficiency of heat exchange processes is their intensification by changing the thermal resistance. Resistance of deposits on the walls of heat exchangers significantly effects its value. Thus, it is very important to solve the problem of contamination of heat exchangers walls by timely cleaning.
In this regard, the most rational solution to this problem is introduction of the monitoring system during the heat exchange process by using mathematical modeling that will allow to simulate the system of real heat exchanger — conventional heat exchanger — conventional oven.
So, introduced in production program (extension), that will complement the existing system of monitoring of the progress of the technological process, will be the useful product. This extension will allow operators to monitor the status of heat exchangers tube walls based on the comparison of the calculated in the program indicators of the existing and simulated conventional heat exchangers. Using the indicator of fuel consumption from the additional oven attached to the simulated conventional heat exchanger, the program, having calculated its critical values as well as introduced them to the final table will allow to assess the need in timely cleaning of heat exchangers.
As a result of this extension implementation in the existing system of the technological process monitoring the industrial safety of technological process will be achieved in view of prevention of emergency situations associated with late cleaning of heat exchangers tubes. In addition, high economic effect will be achieved due to prevention of the above-mentioned emergency shutdowns, and by prevention of excess fuel flow consumed due to large resistance emerged as a result of deposits formation on the tube walls of heat exchangers.
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