Increase in Energy Efficiency of the Grain Drying Installations with the Use of Heat Pump Technologies

D.A. Britikov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy Head of the Deparment — Division Head, Rostechnadzor, Moscow, Russia


Drying — the important component of postharvest treatment of grain which is directly influencing its further preservation. Dryers, which are often operated nowdays, are not fully using the heat of spent drying agent, whose efficient recovery allows to provide achievement of considerable indicators of drying equipment cost effectiveness.
At present, the principles of energy saving in drying processes are scientifically substantiated: use of heat pumps for implementation of low-temperature drying; maximum use of heat of spent drying agent due to its recirculation; mathematical modeling ensuring maximum kinetic, hydrodynamic and thermodynamic compliance; use of secondary energy resources; optimization and management of processes of drying and thermal treatment that prevents losses of heat and electric power.
Assessment of technologies and dehydration technique with various connection schemes of  the heat-pump drying units in the processes of grain drying demonstrates that the implemenation of the optimized ways of energy saving allows to receive energy  saving to 30 % and 50 % of metal, i.e. the replacement of traditional hydrocarbon sources of heat when drying grain by alternative (renewable) low-temperature sources using heat-pump drying units — one of the perspective principles of increase in their energy efficiency.
Scientific approach is required to creation of new energy saving technologies for drying of grain, for example, in the closed cycle on the drying agent at the most rational schemes of connection of the heat pumps from the power point of view.
At the same time the prospects are opening concerning the improvement of safety of drying technologies at the expense of eliminating the factors, which characterize these processes as one of the most fire and explosion hazardous, and constituting potential danger to the personnel serving dryers, ensuring condition of security of the vital interests of the individual and society from accidents at hazrdous production facilities and consequences of such accidents.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-11-5-9
Year: 2017
Issue num: November
Keywords : safety heat-pump units grain drying units recovery and recuperation of heat of spent drying agent power efficiency security
  • Britikov D.A.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy head of the Department — head of the department Rostechnadzor, Moscow, Russia