The UNECE Convention on Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), that entered into force in 2000, is intended to protect people and the environment from adverse effects of industrial accidents by their prevention, reduction of their severity and frequency, and by mitigation of their impacts. The Assistance Programme within the framework of the Convention exists to support countries with economies in transition. In these countries, main difficulties in the implementation of the Convention are associated with the need of: organisation of appropriate institutional structures and mechanisms for inter-agency coordination at the national level; organisation of bilateral and multilateral transboundary coordination with neighbouring countries; development and implementation of legislative industrial safety measures.
The strategic approach for the implementation of the Assistance Program developed by UNECE includes self-assessment, as a tool to assess possibility of implementation of requirements of the Convention, to identify shortcomings and to develop action plans for their elimination, as well as project proposals for requesting external assistance, if necessary. The self-assessment covers 6 main working areas under the Convention: Identification of hazardous activities; Notification on hazardous activities; Prevention; Preparedness; Response and mutual assistance; Information to the public and public participation.
In 2016, the Project on Strengthening Industrial Safety in Central Asia was launched. The project is implemented by the Convention secretariat with participation of experts from the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus, and STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC.
Becoming a Party to the Convention, a State joins the institutional regime of the Convention. Cooperation under the Convention makes an important contribution to the prevention, preparedness and response to industrial accidents.
E.V. Klovach, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., General Dir., STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia E.A. Rubach, Department Expert United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, Switzerland E.V. Baranovsky, Chief Specialist EMERCOM of Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
The UNECE Convention on Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), that entered into force in 2000, is intended to protect people and the environment from adverse effects of industrial accidents by their prevention, reduction of their severity and frequency, and by mitigation of their impacts. The Assistance Programme within the framework of the Convention exists to support countries with economies in transition. In these countries, main difficulties in the implementation of the Convention are associated with the need of: organisation of appropriate institutional structures and mechanisms for inter-agency coordination at the national level; organisation of bilateral and multilateral transboundary coordination with neighbouring countries; development and implementation of legislative industrial safety measures.
The strategic approach for the implementation of the Assistance Program developed by UNECE includes self-assessment, as a tool to assess possibility of implementation of requirements of the Convention, to identify shortcomings and to develop action plans for their elimination, as well as project proposals for requesting external assistance, if necessary. The self-assessment covers 6 main working areas under the Convention: Identification of hazardous activities; Notification on hazardous activities; Prevention; Preparedness; Response and mutual assistance; Information to the public and public participation.
In 2016, the Project on Strengthening Industrial Safety in Central Asia was launched. The project is implemented by the Convention secretariat with participation of experts from the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus, and STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC.
Becoming a Party to the Convention, a State joins the institutional regime of the Convention. Cooperation under the Convention makes an important contribution to the prevention, preparedness and response to industrial accidents.
1. Convention on Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents. Available at: (accessed: March 22, 2018). (In Russ.).
2. Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes as amended, along with decision VI/3 clarifying the accession procedure. Available at: (accessed: March 22, 2018).
3. Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context. Available at: (accessed: March 22, 2018). (In Russ.).
4. Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Available at: (accessed: March 22, 2018).
5. Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters [Aarhus Convention]. Available at: (accessed: March 22, 2018). (In Russ.).
6. Directive 2012/18/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, amending and subsequently repealing Council Directive 96/82/EC. Available at: (accessed: March 22, 2018).
7. Klovach E.V. European legislation on industrial safety. The Seveso III Directive. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2014. № 2. pp. 34–37. (In Russ.).
8. Grazhdankin A.I. Major industrial accidents: from the coal industry to postindustry. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2011. № 8. pp. 58–62. (In Russ.).
9. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Convention on Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents. Guidelines for the implementation of the Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents. Available at: (accessed: March 22, 2018). (In Russ.).
10. On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities: Federal Law of July 21, 1997 № 116-FZ. Moscow: ZAO NTTs PB, 2017. 52 p. (In Russ.).
11. Brinchuk M.M., Golichenkov A.K., Klovach E.V., Krasnyh B.A., Sidorov V.I. 20 years to the Federal Law № 116-FZ «On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities». Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry 2017. № 4. pp. 37–45. (In Russ.).
12. On the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations of natural and man-made nature: Federal law of December 21, 1994, № 68-FZ (as amended of 23.06.2016). Sobr. zakonodatelstva Ros. Federatsii = Collection of the Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1994. № 35. Art. 3648. (In Russ.).
13. The draft of technical guidance on land use planning, placement of objects, on which dangerous activities are executed, and related to them aspects of safety. Available at: (accessed: March 22, 2018). (In Russ.).
14. UNECE Industrial Accidents Notification System. Available at: (accessed: March 22, 2018).