А.А. Тurnov, Deputy General Director I.I. Mukhametshin, Department Head, Mukhametshin.II@tmn.gazprom-neft.ru ООО Gazpromneft-Yamal, Tyumen, Russia
At Novoportovskoye field the pilot project was launched on the implementation of the automated information management software for construction of Mobile StroyControl. The main function of IT product is the formation of the single environment of production interaction of all the construction participants. The complex facilitates instantaneous informing about the identified inconsistencies during the construction process in real time mode.
Having identified the non-compliance with the requirements of the occupational safety, safety measures, design solutions or poor quality during construction and installation works at site, the inspector of production (construction) control marks the geolocation point attaching the confirming photomaterial, as well as an explanatory note with the reference to the regulatory documents. The information is recorded in the system allowing for on-line monitoring of the progress of construction, the nature and status of the violation elimination. Thus, the issues are excluded related to significant time expenditures for discussion and provision of the required confirmations of both the discrepancy itself and its elimination.
The software package is useful for fixing violations of the norms on occupational safety, industrial and environmental safety, construction norms and rules (including non-compliance with the project documentation), helps to reduce the risks on critical violations and take timely measures to eliminate them. The article considers the solutions on the application of the innovative product at all the objects of ООО Gazpromneft-Yamal for the objective of creating a single informational space throughout the territory of construction and installation works.
Application of the up-to-date IT-technologies allows to increase the efficiency of using capital investments. The transparency of the Mobile StroyControl platform eliminates disputable issues, the costs temporary resources required to analyze one or another situation at the construction site. The project implementation ensures complete and reliable information on the current state of construction and installation works for making timely solutions and ensuring effective risk management. Further replication will allow to significantly improve the efficiency of the activity related to construction control at the site and ultimately will give a synergistic effect of the growth rates of construction with maintaining the specified quality standards.
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