F.V. Matveenkov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief State Inspector, fvmatveenkov@mail.ru
Rostechnadzor, Moscow, Russia
It is noted that currently the classification of hydraulic engineering constructions causing many arguments and misunderstanding of the classification process itself is the most topical issue. To understand the algorithm of classification of these constructions and implement it correctly it is required to know the history of classification of hydraulic engineering constructions stated in the present Article. Here is also the information provided from the earlier valid construction norms and regulations. Data on the criterion of hydraulic constructions classification is given starting from 1954 and to present time. Owing to comparison of such criterion, it is visually visible how the requirements to identification of the class of hydraulic engineering constructions were changing. The main postulates of classification of hydraulic engineering constructions are stated with the course of time what is interesting most of all for the owners of hydraulic engineering constructions and the operating organizations, expert centers when conducting expertise of industrial safety declaration of such constructions, and also for state supervision bodies.
1. SNiP II-D.2. Normy stroitelnogo proektirovanija (SNiP II-D.2. Norms of Construction Design). Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe izdatelstvo literatury po stroitelstvu i arhitekture, 1954. 403 p.
2. SNiP II-I.1—62. Gidrotehnicheskie sooruzhenija rechnye. Osnovnye polozhenija proektirovanija (SNiP II-И.1—62. Hydraulic River Engineering Constructions. Basic Provisions of Design). Moscow: Izd-vo literatury po stroitelstvu, 1966. 32 p.
3. SNiP II-50—74. Gidrotehnicheskie sooruzhenija rechnye. Osnovnye polozhenija proektirovanija (SNiP II-50—74. Hydraulic River Engineering Constructions. Basic Provisions of Design). Moscow: Strojizdat, 1975. 26 p.
4. SNiP 2.06.01—86. Gidrotehnicheskie sooruzhenija. Osnovnye polozhenija proektirovanija (SNiP 2.06.01—86. Hydraulic Engineering Constructions. Basic Provisions of Design). Moscow: CITP Gosstroja SSSR, 1987. 32 p.
5. SNiP 33-01—2003. Gidrotehnicheskie sooruzhenija. Osnovnye polozhenija (SNiP 33-01—2003. Hydraulic Engineering Constructions. Basic Provisions of Design). Moscow: Gosstroj Rossii, 2004. 24 p.
6. SP 58.13330.2012. Gidrotehnicheskie sooruzhenija. Osnovnye polozhenija. Aktualizirovannaja redakcija SNiP 33-01—2003 (SP 58.13330.2012. Hydraulic Engineering Constructions. Basic Provisions of Design SNiP 33-01—2003). Moscow: Minregion Rossii, 2012. 39 p.
7. Kriterii klassifikacii gidrotehnicheskih sooruzhenij: postanovlenie Pravitelstva Ros. Federacii ot 2 nojab. 2013 g. № 986 (Criterion of Classification of Hydraulic Engineering Constructions: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2013 No. 986). Sobr. zakonodatelstva Ros. Federacii = Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2013. № 45. Art. 5820.