Hygienic Assessment of the State of the Production Environment at the Enterprise for the Production and Processing of Beryllium and its Compounds


The results of studies of air pollution and various surfaces with beryllium during the production and processing of products from beryllium and its compounds is presented in the article.
Sanitary and hygienic assessment of technological processes at the enterprise under study showed that the processes of obtaining and processing beryllium are accompanied by beryllium contamination of the surfaces of production rooms and equipment. In this case, the surface contamination can occur as the result of both direct contact of processed products on various surfaces, and deposition of beryllium aerosols. In the rooms where there is no technological equipment, contamination of the floor and other surfaces can be associated both with the flow of polluted air from other areas, and with the transfer of beryllium on overalls and shoes when moving from the area where the equipment is located to other production rooms. Mechanical transport is possible, which can become a source of secondary air pollution due to redispersion. Contamination of the corridor surfaces with beryllium was comparable to the contamination of similar surfaces at the production sites.
It is established that the concentration of beryllium in the air of the working zone at the metallurgical melting area increases with an increase in the intensity of technological operations and during works to open the furnace and extract the ingot. A similar situation took place in the area for obtaining powders, and in the area for pressing and stamping products from beryllium.
The obtained results indicate the accumulation of non-fixed beryllium on the production surfaces, which can be regarded as the presence of an additional harmful production factor (secondary air pollution due to redispersion), which requires appropriate consideration in the organization and implementation of preventive measures.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-12-63-70
Year: 2022
Issue num: December
Keywords : maximum allowable concentration производственная среда beryllium production areas hygienic assessment
  • Krupkin A.B.
    Cand. Sci. (Med.), Senior Research Assistant Research Institute of Industrial and Maritime Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Trofimchuk S.N.
    Research Associate, air-2020@yandex.ru Research Institute of Industrial and Maritime Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia