Geomechanical and Economic Assessment of the Width of Vandalism Protection Arrangement at Re-use of the Development Workings in the Coal Mines

A.N. Shashenko, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. N.V. Khozyaykina, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., A.V. Smirnov, Cand. Sci. (Polit.) GVUZ National Mining University, Dnipro, the Ukraine


The geomechanical task is set up and solved, which is related to the assessment of allowable protection arrangement width (of the pillar) in the lava at the development of a horizontally embedded coal seam taking into account the economic feasibility of the haulage roadway re-use. Mining-geological and mining and technical conditions of coal reserves mining in the Western Donbass at Samarskaya mine are considered, which is accepted as the specific object of study.
The solution of the set task is carried out in a complex way on the basis of generalization of the field studies and numerical experiment on digital models using RS2 software package of the Canadian company Rocscience. In the numerical experiment the flat heavy layered medium is studied weakened by the working of the complicated form. From the methodological point of view, a step-by-step solution simulating the movement of the lava face in the process of coal seam mining is carried out.
Dependences of the residual section area of the re-used working on the width and structural compliance of the protection arrangement are obtained. It is proved that in the considered geological-mining and mining and technical conditions the economically and geomechanically reasonable width of the coal pillar shall be 3 m, and the structure of the tie-bar — 4 m. The structures from Tekhard were not investigated due to high cost of hardening mixtures.
It is established that the technological gap between the protection arrangement and the roof rocks negatively effects the stability of the re-used working critically reducing the area of its residual section, and shall be reduced to a minimum size.
The recommendations formed as a result of the carried out studies are implemented at the Samarskaya mine with the positive economic effect.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-8-16-20
Year: 2017
Issue num: August
Keywords : horizontally embedded coal seam protection arrangement pillars stress-deformed state re-used working economic feasibility