One of the solutions to the problem of risk management associated with the actions of personnel of coal mining enterprises during the performance of production functions is considered — targeted development of risk-oriented thinking with the operating personnel aimed at formation of the behavior consistent with hazardous working conditions.
To master risk-oriented thinking, 97 analytical and modeling seminars were held with the participation of 1884 employees of JSC «SUEK-Kuzbass». The purpose and objectives of these seminars are presented, the experience of conducting them is analyzed, and the opinions of their participants on the results obtained are given. The authors pay special attention to the methods used in conducting the seminars, the form of their conduct and content.
According to the authors opinion, the main difference between these seminars and traditional ones in the methodological aspect is the use, along with the well-known techniques and methods (the «Swiss cheese» model of the cause-and-effect relationships by D. Reason, the DuPont incident pyramid or the pyramid of G.W. Heinrich (Henrich) and etc.), the author methodology «I know. I recognize. I warn».
The result of the seminars was the fact that the operating personnel of the company enterprises is massively involved in the process of identifying hazardous production situations in the workplaces, identifying key factors that need to be eliminated, as well as finding simple algorithms for their own behavior that is adequate to the hazards.
The main conclusion of the authors is that carried out work proved the efficiency of the formation and development of the risk-oriented thinking among the personnel of the coal mining enterprises directly engaged in the production process. The implementation of this approach, along with the traditional ways to increase the protection of personnel with technical, technological and organizational measures, will allow to reduce the manifestations of irrational behavior of the personnel regarding occupational safety and increase the effectiveness of injury risk management.
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