Based on the new systematization and formalization of hazards developed within the framework of the regulations on Occupational Safety Management System 2016, many factors are described, the number of which is 28, as well as many parameters (154). The factor parametric basis is built as a set: sets of exposure and susceptibility parameters, sets of parametric criteria for exceeding exposure over susceptibility, and the group of operations based on the signature of the fuzzy sets. Introduction of this basis is intended for a complete (if possible) and standard description of all the preconditions for the occurrence of incidents in the specific system, calculation of the quantitative measures for their implementation, conducting comparative analysis of working conditions safety of the employees of various enterprises, and ordering of all the identified hazards and quantitative justification of exposure risk ranking. In this case, any adverse outcome of the incident is determined based on the condition of exposure exceedence (load or dose) over the susceptibility (strength or resistance, effect parameter), and it is simply assumed that the protection monotonously weakens the exposure factor. Linear approximation of the probability measure is used to calculate the quantitative measure of exceedance of the type «fuzzy exposure greater than fuzzy susceptibility». The algorithm for calculating the probability measure of incident preconditions was used in the comparative analysis of working conditions at two enterprises: Krym metal structures group and Krymplast. In this case, the employees of two professions were selected: a welder and a painter. Based on the calculation of the possible measures of the expected adverse outcomes, it was found that based on the working conditions the Krymplast enterprise is significantly more dangerous due to bigger number of occupational diseases preconditions with higher values of possible measures of their manifestation.
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