Forecast of Methane Emission on the Working Face at Coal Seam Mining

V.S. Zaburdayev, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Lead Researcher, IPCON RAN, Moscow, Russia


The studies of methane emission intensity in to the workings of the working sites of Kuzbass and Vorkuta mines at various output capacities of cutter-loaders, gas content of coal layers and methane-bearing capacity of working sites are given.
The results of study of coal extraction and methane emission in the working faces of Kuzbass mines and Vorkutsk deposit are stated. Influence of consecutive impact of preliminary and natural degassing of the developed layer on the process of methane emission in face space of the long wall face at the operation of cutter-loader when drawing the coal is discovered. Dependence for determination of methane content in the coal massif in the split of its pulling by cutter-loader is offered. Influence of natural and mining factors on the processes of methane escape from the extracted and superimposed coal seams in methane-bearing capacity of the working site is estimated: thickness of the seam, minute coal extraction and intensity of methane emission, methane content of the coal massif in the zone of coal breaking by the cutter-loader. The share of the superimposed coal seams in methane-bearing capacity of the working site is established depending on average daily coal mining, number of the superimposed coal seams subjected to rock pressure relief, actual methane content to the beginning of pillar mining and its residual value after natural degassing. It is noted that the degassing level of the coal superimposed seams lying in the roof and in the soil of the extracted layer mainly depends on their geometrical layout in the coal bearing massif. Recommendations are given on the forecast of methane emission intensity at working sites taking into account the basic data and the established dependences of influence of natural and mining factors on the processes of methane emission at the working site.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-6-31-35
Year: 2017
Issue num: June
Keywords : mine working site layer cutter-loader coal mining methane emission degassing forecast factors