Yu.V. Gamera, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Lead Researcher, Y_Gamera@vniigaz.gazprom.ru Yu.Yu. Petrova, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Deputy Laboratory Head OOO «Gazprom VNIIGAZ», Moscow, Russia
Identification of the scope of possible pollution of the atmosphere by harmful substances emissions is an essential part of the procedure for quantitative risk assessment of accidents at hazardous production facilities. First of all, it is related to the release of combustible and toxic gases which density is greater than the air density, since the specific feature of heavy gases is the dispersion in the narrow layer near the earth surface, in which both the sources of ignition and potential recipients are located. The article presents the review of existing approaches to calculating the dispersion of heavy gas emissions in the atmosphere. Verified, experimental-based algorithm of data for identifying zones of hazardous concentrations of harmful heavy gases with instantaneous and prolonged emissions is proposed. Algebraic relations are presented for solving the problems: direct (calculation of the location of isolines of the given concentration) and inverse (identification of the concentration in the given point). When solving the reverse problem, the possibility of the finite duration of the release is taken considered. Relative simplicity of the algebraic computational algorithm makes it possible to use the proposed express-methods for solving the wide range of problems, primarily those associated with the preliminary risk assessment at dispersion in the atmosphere of emergency emissions from various hazardous production facilities with handling of heavy gases or liquids, which pairs are related to heavy gases.
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