L.А. Krupnik, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. KazNTU, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan Yu.N. Shaposhnik, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., shaposhnikyury@mail.ru IGD SO RAN Named after Tchinakala N.A., Novosibirsk, Russia S.N. Shaposhnik, Dr. Sci. (Eng.) VKGTU, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Republic of Kazakhstan
The experience of filling of the domes of mine workings at Orlov and Artemyevsk mines of TOO Vostoktsvetmet with two-component resins Blockfil and Carbofil, as well as by cement mix Tekfom. It is established that the filling of domes with saponific materials does not have a significant effect on the stress condition of the rocks in the region of the fixed workings. The results of calculation of the material and labor costs of possible methods of emergency situation liquidation at the formation of domes on the basis of the estimated base at the Orlov mine are given. Calculation of such costs for dome liquidation at this mine is made on the basis on the estimated base of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the following methods: filling of the dome with saponific resin Blockfil, ckock support of the dome cavities with wood, sinking and passby road support, enclosing of the workings emergency section with crossing points, and filling of cavities by the backfill with subsequent penetration on the workings concrete.
As a result of trial tests it is established that by means of phenolic pitch Karbofil the creation of sealing strengthened layer is possible only in the cavities of the small volume. When filling domes with cement mix Tekfom its significant leakages were observed through incompactness in the workings support reaching from 25 to 40%. It is recommended to change the approach to sinking of the workings in the complicated mining-and-geological conditions: to introduce in mines the technology of georadar researches at workings sinking for structure research of the massif of rocks and detection of cavities, and the technology of the workings sinking in the destroyed and intensely fractured rock massif with the use of massif injection technology.
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10. Obosnovanie racionalnyh metodov snizhenija naprjazhennogo sostojanija massivov nad svodom gornoj vyrabotki i razrabotka tehnologii zapolnenija zakreplennyh pustot i kupolov v gornyh vyrabotkah s primeneniem tehnologii bystrogo zapolnenija pustot vspenivajushhimisja materialami na Artemevskoj shahte TOO «Vostokcvetmet» (Substantiation of Rational Methods of Decrease of the Massifs Stress Condition above the Mine Workings Dome, and the Development of Technology for Filling of the Fixed Cavities and Domes in the Mine Workings with the Use of Technology of Fast Filling of the Cavities with Saponific Materials at the Artemyevsk Mine of TOO «Vostoktsvetmet»). Otchet o NIR = Report about the Research Work. Ust-Kamenogorsk: TOO «Expert PRO», 2016. 77 p.