Increasing labor productivity is the most important task of modern production. Approved methods of psychological (staff motivation) and economic (wage increase) nature increased productivity within 2–3 %. At the same time, improving the ergonomic characteristics of the workplace can increase productivity by almost 15 %.
The material is presented on the search for ways to increase labor productivity based on the assessment of the performance and ergonomic components of the workplace of operators of high-tech industries.
The ergonomic characteristics of workplaces are analyzed in detail, in the forced «sitting» position, a discrepancy with the anthropometric parameters of employees is revealed almost everywhere. The conducted studies showed that the monotony of the production environment and the work performed lead to the development of monotony syndrome among operators, which creates conditions for the erroneous actions and the risk of non-standard situations in production. Significant loads on the operator visual analyzer during the 12-hour shift are created by observing information on the 6–8 screens of monitors located on the wall in the observation area near each workplace. A material on the study of the state of body reactions during work shifts is presented. An assessment of the state of the physiological functions of employees showed that these features of the labor activity of operators create excessive loads on the body, but, including volitional efforts, activating attention, concentration, operators adequately perform work on managing the process, thereby increasing the physiological price of production activities.
Prophylactic measures are substantiated to improve the workplaces of operators, organize intra-shift rest, protect the visual analyzer and prevent fatigue.
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