D.M. Gordienko, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Acting Head L.P. Vogman, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Chief Research Associate V.I. Gorshkov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Lead Researcher Ju.N. Shebeko, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Chief Research Associate A.S. Melihov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Chief Research Associate P.A. Leonchuk, Sector Head, pa.leonchuk@yandex.ru A.V. Mordvinova, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Sector Head FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, Moscow, Russia
The works performed at the institute in the last years aimed at prevention of fires and explosions, which allow for increasing efficiency of ways, means and methods of prevention, and also localization of emergencies, are considered in the Article. The new version of GOST R 12.3.047—2012 «Fire safety of the technological processes. General requirements. Control methods» and the guides to it were developed. In the new version of the standard the methods were significantly expended, which related to the definition of fire hazard of flammable and combustible liquids spills (Methods of calculation of the size of drain openings from process equipment (trays, rooms), liquid outflow from the tank and the area of liquid spreading at tank instant destruction), and also the wording of the appendix concerning the requirements to process equipment water irrigation is specified. In the guide to the standard the examples of calculations of fire hazard parameters of the technological processes are presented. The method is developed with regards to calculation of key parameters defining the conditions of thermal self-ignition (critical size, ambient temperature and delay of self-ignition) for real conditions of warehousing and transportation of loose and fibrous materials considering heat exchange, depth of burning out and specifics of oxidation reaction. The new method of calculation is adopted in the new version of GOST 12.1.044. Researches in the field of flexible rationing with use of probability theory and calculations of fire risks, values, and the ways and methods of fire protection of critical (unique) objects are also considered. The main fields of works on the development of methods and means of ensuring fire safety of the unique particularly hazardous production facilities, which were carried out by the staff of the institute, are presented.
1. Shebeko Ju.N., Vogman L.P., Zujkov V.A., Ilichev A.V., Averkina N.B. Development of New Version of GOST R 12.3.047—98 «Fire Safety of Technological Processes. General Requirements. Control Methods». XXIV Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija po problemam pozharnoj bezopasnosti, posvjashhennaja 75-letiju sozdanija instituta. Tezisy dokladov. V 3 ch. (XXIV International Scientific and Practical Conference on Fire Safety Problems Dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the Institute Creation. Theses of Reports. In 3 Parts). Moscow, 2012. Pt. 1. pp. 111–119.
2. Tehnicheskij reglament o trebovanijah pozharnoj bezopasnosti: feder. zakon ot 22 ijulja 2008 g. № 123-FZ (Technical Reglament on Fire Safety Requirements: Federal Law № 123-FL of July 22, 2008). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/902111644 (accessed: April 1, 2017).
3. SP 1.13130.2009. Sistemy protivopozharnoj zashhity. Jevakuacionnye puti i vyhody (SP 1.13130.2009. Fire Protection Systems. Escape Routes and Exits). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200071143 (accessed: April 1, 2017).
4. SP 2.13130.2012. Sistemy protivopozharnoj zashhity. Obespechenie ognestojkosti obektov zashhity (SP 2.13130.2012. Fire Protection Systems. Ensuring Protection Objects Fire Resistance). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200096437 (accessed: April 1, 2017).
5. SP 3.13130.2009. Sistemy protivopozharnoj zashhity. Sistema opoveshhenija i upravlenija jevakuaciej ljudej pri pozhare. Trebovanija pozharnoj bezopasnosti (SP 3.13130.2009. Fire Protection Systems. Warning and Control System of People Evacuation in Case of Fire. Fire Safety Requirements). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200071145 (accessed: April 1, 2017).
6. SP 4.13130.2013. Svod pravil. Sistemy protivopozharnoj zashhity. Ogranichenie rasprostranenija pozhara na obektah zashhity. Trebovanija k obemno-planirovochnym i konstruktivnym reshenijam (SP 4.13130.2013. Set of Rules. Fire Protection Systems. Limitation of Fire Propagation at the Objects of Protection. Requirements to Space-Planning and Design Solutions). Available at: http://www.mchs.gov.ru/document/3743528 (accessed: April 1, 2017).
7. SP 5.13130.2009. Sistemy protivopozharnoj zashhity. Ustanovki pozharnoj signalizacii i pozharotushenija avtomaticheskie. Normy i pravila proektirovanija (SP 5.13130.2009. Fire Protection Systems. Automatic Fire Alarm and Fire Extinguishing Systems. Design Norms and Rules). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200071148 (accessed: April 1, 2017).
8. SP 12.13130.2009. Opredelenie kategorij pomeshhenij, zdanij i naruzhnyh ustanovok po vzryvopozharnoj i pozharnoj opasnosti (SP 12.13130.2009. Determination of Categories of Rooms, Buildings and Outdoor Units on Fire Explosion and Fire Hazard). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200071156 (accessed: April 1, 2017).
9. Ob utverzhdenii metodiki opredelenija raschetnyh velichin pozharnogo riska na proizvodstvennyh obektah: prikaz MChS Rossii ot 10 ijulja 2009 g. № 404 (On the Approval of Methods of Determination of Fire Risk Calculated Values at the Production Objects: the Order of EMERCOM of Russia of July 10, 2009 № 404). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/902170886 (accessed: April 1, 2017).
10. Taubkin S.I., Baratov A.N., Nikitina N.S. Spravochnik pozharoopasnosti tverdyh veshhestv i materialov (Reference of Fire Hazard of Solid Substances and Materials). Moscow: MKH RSFSR, 1961. 148 p.
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12. GOST 12.1.044—89. SSBT. Pozharovzryvoopasnost veshhestv i materialov. Nomenklatura pokazatelej i metody ih opredelenija (GOST 12.1.044—89. SSBT. Fire-and-Explosion Hazard of Substances and Materials. Nomenclature of Indices and Methods of Their Identification). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200004802 (accessed: April 1, 2017).
13. Gorshkov V.I., Amelin I.Je., Ivanov V.V., Kiselev V.Ja. Thermal Explosion at Non-Symmetrical Heat Exchange at the Boundaries of the Flat Vessel. Pozharovzryvobezopasnost = Fire and Explosion Hazard. 1997. Vol. 6. № 2. pp. 3–7.
14. Gorshkov V.I., Ivanov V.V. Thermal explosion at unsymmetrical on borders of a flat vessel. Second International Seminar «Fire and explosions hazard of substances and venting of deflagrations». Moscow, 1997. pp. 593–601.
15. Gorshkov V.I. Self-Ignition of the Plate at Non-Symmetrical Heat Exchange with the Environment. Pozharnaja bezopasnost = Fire Hazard. 2011. № 3. pp. 36–39.
16. Korolchenko I.A., Gorshkov V.I., Kazakov A.V., Sokolov D.N. Thermal Self-Ignition of Deposits of Materials on the Equipment Surface. Pozharnaja bezopasnost = Fire Hazard. 2006. № 1. pp. 16–23.
17. Korolchenko I.A., Gorshkov V.I. Calculation of Critical Parameters for Thermal Self Ignition of Materials Layer Considering Burning Out. Pozharnaja bezopasnost = Fire Hazard. 2006. № 1. pp. 24–33.
18. Gorshkov V.I., Korolchenko I.A., Kazakov A.V., Sokolov D.N. Determination of Induction Time at Spot Self-Ignition of the Materials. Pozharnaja bezopasnost = Fire Hazard. 2007. № 1. pp. 66–70.
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21. Metodika opredelenija uslovij teplovogo samovozgoranija veshhestv i materialov (Methods of Defining Conditions of Substances and Materials Self-Ignition). Moscow: VNIIPO, 2004. 65 p.
22. Metodika obespechenija pozharnoj bezopasnosti perevozki samovozgorajushhihsja gruzov (Methods of Ensuring Fire Safety of Transportation of Spontaneously Igniting Loads). Moscow: VNIIPO, 2006. 28 p.
23. Metodika obespechenija pozharnoj bezopasnosti skladirovanija samovozgorajushhihsja materialov (Methods of Ensuring Fire Safety of Warehousing of Spontaneously Igniting Materials). Moscow: VNIIPO, 2008. 45 p.
24. Prisadkov V.I. Razrabotka metodov vybora racionalnyh sistem protivopozharnoj zashhity promyshlennyh zdanij: dis. … d-ra tehn. nauk (Development of Methods of Selection of Rational Fire Protection Systems for Industrial Buildings: Thesis … of Dr. Sci. (Eng.). Moscow: VNIIPO, 1990.
25. GOST 12.1.004—91. SSBT. Pozharnaja bezopasnost. Obshhie trebovanija (GOST 12.1.004—91. SSBT. Fire Hazard. General Requirements). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/9051953 (accessed: April 1, 2017).
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28. Shebeko Ju.N., Shebeko A.Ju. About Fire and Explosion Safety Conditions when Determining Admissible Parameters of Production Objects Functioning. Pozharnaja bezopasnost = Fire Safety. 2009. № 4. pp. 61–66.
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30. Shebeko Ju.N., Gordienko D.M., Shebeko A.Ju., Drozdov A.E., Kirillov D.S., Giletich A.N. Improvement of Methods of Determination of Fire Risk Calculated Values for Production Objects. Pozharnaja bezopasnost = Fire Safety. 2011. № 3. pp. 57–65.
31. Gordienko D.M., Shebeko A.Ju., Shebeko Ju.N., Leonchuk P.A., Zuban A.V., Truneva V.A., Golov N.V. Influence of Functioning of Fire-Prevention Technical Means for Production Buildings on Propagation of Fire Hazardous Factors and Fire Risk Value. Pozharnaja bezopasnost = Fire Safety. 2016. № 3. pp. 60–76.
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