Important characteristics of the automated information management systems for decision-making in emergency situations are the accuracy and speed of the contaminated area simulation. In this regard, the vital tasks are the development of methods and algorithms that implement them, which allow to predict and visualize the maximum possible contaminated areas on the map chart with a minimum amount of basic data already at the initial stage of an accident. The express-method and algorithmic support for predicting maximum possible contaminated area were previously developed and presented depending on the amount of accidentally chemically hazardous and harmful substances with a relative error of not more than 9 % for compressed gases with a minimum amount of basic data. The express-method and algorithmic support for predicting maximum possible contaminated area was also developed, depending on the number of accidentally chemically hazardous substances, which are liquids under normal conditions, with a relative error of not more than 9 % with a minimum amount of basic data.
The results are presented concerning the development of express-method for predicting the depth of maximum possible contaminated area depending on the type, amount and thickness of the layer of the harmful substance, which is liquid under normal conditions, and the time passed since the beginning of an accident. Theoretical foundations of the express-method and the calculation results necessary for predicting contaminated area by the secondary cloud of harmful substances, which are liquids under normal conditions, are presented in the article. The method for predicting the depth of maximum possible contaminated area of harmful substances, which are compressed gases, is illustrated by examples.
The data base was created for calculating maximum possible contaminated area with harmful substances, which are liquids under normal conditions. This data base is integrated into previously developed software. The software allows to predict maximum possible contaminated area both as accidentally chemically hazardous substances, and harmful substances, which are compressed gases and liquids.
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