During the operation of firefighter combat clothing, as well as any other product containing textile materials, there is a constant decrease in the values of indicators that determine its technical condition and the possibility of further use. This is facilitated by many factors that have a random nature of influence over time.
On the basis of statistical data on the operation of combat clothing, it was concluded that the main reason for the withdrawal of firefighter combat clothing from service is its physical and mechanical wear, which, among other things, leads to a decrease in thermal protection indicators. The structural elements that are subjected to the greatest physical and mechanical loads and greater destruction during operation are determined. The physical and mechanical parameters of the material of the top of the firefighter combat clothing (explosive load, tear resistance) have actual values that are 2–3 times higher than the normative ones, and the fire resistance of the material of the upper part and the water resistance of the polymer layer, subject to the rules of operation and maintenance of the firefighter combat clothing, are preserved. With this in mind, it is possible to extend the life of its operation beyond the established regulatory acts. It is impossible to carry out instrumental control of the technical condition of a firefighter combat clothing in a fire department. Therefore, the only available method for checking the technical condition of a firefighter combat clothing and determine its possible suitability for further operation is visual inspection. Appropriate criteria were developed and established for it: availability of the required design documentation; appearance, completeness, operability of accessories; the possibility of conducting restorative repairs using a repair kit; terms of operation; the number of restoration repairs, etc.
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